


The shortest route to get the Veneto people back to their sovereignty over the territories of the Venetian nation is calledDECOLONIZATION . It is a planned and protected by law, based on international treaties such as:

– the Charter of Human Rights of 26 June 1945 in article 1 paragraph 2 and article 55 ratified by Italy with law n.848 of 4 August 1955;

– the ” International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ” adopted in New York on December 19, 1966 and ratified by Italy with Law No. 881 of October 25, 1977;

– the ” Resolution” n. 2625, (XXV) of 24 October 1970 of the UN General Assembly;

– the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe signed by the Italian state in Helsinki on 1 August 1975 part (VIII) Articles 29-30; ()

– the ” Declaration ” adopted by the International Conference of Algiers on 1-4 July 1976, article 5;

– the Geneva Conventions on international humanitarian rights from 1945 to the present

– Article 96.3 of the First Geneva Protocol of 1977 – ratified by Italy with law 11 December 1985, n. 762 (in Ordinary Supplement to the Official Gazette No. 303, of December 27, 1985)

The Veneto People , like all Asian and African peoples who have already done it since 1945, freeing themselves from European colonizers, can claim their right to sovereignty over the Venetian Nation, finding their territory in a state of foreign racist and colonialist Italian occupation (the last occupation it has been undergoing since 1797 after the French and Austrian occupation) from 1866 to the present. 
The claim of the right of sovereignty of a People on its own territory can be brought to completion only if there are certain historical, cultural, ethical, political and economic conditions that make one suppose first of all the existence of the People and of the Nation itself.

The Veneto People meet all these peculiar characteristics and these unfavorable starting conditions and can therefore proceed along this path of international law through a COMMITTEE / MOVEMENT / ORGANIZATION OF NATIONAL LIBERATION which officially declaring itself at the UN represents its own People in conscious self-determination but also not aware of his right to sovereignty.

The VENETO NATIONAL LIBERATION COMMITTEE has legally enacted all the steps required by international law to represent the Veneto People in its historical, civil, ethical and moral politics:

– he was trained in Vicenza on 12/25/2014 with the sending of the first training declaration to the UN on 01/14/2015. The declaration of foundation also includes the Declaration of Belligerence which makes all the Geneva Conventions valid to Veneto subjects in self-determination on the Veneto territories occupied by Italy.

– the Venetian National Authority was issued, as required by art. 96.3 of the First Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions of 1977, an apparatus that represents and manages relations and international relations subsequent to the formation of legal subjectivity.

Every individual who declares himself of Venetian nationality recognizing

  • the C.LN.V. as its subject under international law.
  • the VENETIAN NATIONAL AUTHORITY as a transitional government representative of the Veneto People.

immediately asserts the ABSOLUTE JURISDICTION FOR MATTER AND TERRITORY due to the Italian occupying state and all its administrative acts as foreseen by the “Pact relating to civil and political rights” (ratified by the Italian occupying state with law 881 of 1977) and as also sanctioned by the same Italian internal law starting from December 13th 2010 when in the Official Journal n. the LEGISLATIVE DECREE n.212 was published, repealing the annexation of the territories of Venice (the current Italian region called Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia and the province of Mantua) to Italy.

Therefore, according to the Italian law, those subjects that recover their original pre-unitary nationality can exercise the absolute defect of jurisdiction making prevail the “de iure” (the law) on the “de facto” (the status quo) that sees instead still the illegal presence of the Italian authority over the Veneto territories.

At this point, the goal is clear. Create the critical mass so that individual “de iure” self-determination can be applied, which each individual immediately reaches with the awareness of his Venetian nationality, to that “de facto” practice that still sees the presence on the Venetian territories of the occupying state Italian. 
The triggering of the Venetian patriotic spark will quickly create the critical mass of Veneto on the territory by setting in motion a series of legal mechanisms already envisaged by international law for the Decolonization process: the UN will recognize the existence of the CLNV by forming a Trustee Commission in charge of the transaction formal from the Italian state to the Venetian one. There will be no elections, referendums or plebiscites to which I have to respond. Only the awareness and the awareness that we are Venetian and we must not do anything other than to lean on international law to take back what was coercively taken away in 1866 will lead us to freedom. 
At that point the mission of the CLNV will be concluded: the Veneto People will decide their own form of state and government and through the first free elections from 1797 will choose their constituent representatives.

Join the CLNV to begin the process of decolonization of the Veneto territories .